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Chin-ups are done by hanging from a bar with an underhand grip and pulling yourself up. That little modification in grip position has quite a big result on which muscles you work, how large your range of motion is, and how heavy you can raise.

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Let's talk about the pros and cons of pull-ups vs chin-ups and how best to use them in your workout regimen. What's the Difference Between Chin-Ups Vs Pull-Ups?

Chin-ups are finished with a narrower, underhand grip, whereas pull-ups are done with a larger, overhand grip. This might look like a small distinction, however changing from an underhand grip to an overhand grip changes how heavy you can lift and which muscles are worked.

Diagram showing the difference in between pull-ups and chin-ups.

What Muscles Do Chin-Ups & Pull-Ups Work?

Don't Make This Silly Mistake With Your Pull Chin Up Bar

Both pull-ups and chin-ups are excellent workouts for constructing a larger upper back. Nevertheless, changing the angle of our grip changes how much our arms are worked, and altering our grip width impacts the series of motion.

With an overhand grip, your biceps lose their take advantage of, and so they aren't striven enough to promote muscle growth. And since your biceps aren't contributing to the lift, you can not lift as much weight or get as lots of reps.

With a wider grip, the variety of motion is minimized, therefore there's less overall work being done. This is compounded by the truth that less muscles are being worked and less weight being raised.

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What we're seeing is that chin-ups work our biceps 52% harder and pull-ups work our lats 14% more difficult …? Yes, however only if we're talking about doing a single bodyweight repetition of either workout. The important things is, that's now how we train for muscle growth. If we're doing bodyweight chin-ups and pull-ups, we require to bring our sets near failure, and given that we're more powerful at chin-ups, we can do more repetitions. And if we're including weight, we can include more weight to our chin-ups.

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So what's occurring with these bodyweight exercises is that with chin-ups, the load is shared more evenly in between our lats and biceps. And due to the fact that our biceps are assisting, the lift becomes easier, and less load is put on our lats. When we do more repetitions or include more weight, pull ups and chin ups though, then since both of these muscles are sharing the load more equally, we bring both of them closer to failure, promoting more total muscle growth.

Don't Buy Into These "Trends" About Pull Ups Vs Chin Ups

In Dr Contreras's case, he was able to do chin-ups with 90 pounds around his waist, pull-ups with 45 pounds. At that point, because of the much heavier weights being used, both workouts worked his lats equally hard. After all, his lats were the limiting factor in both of them, indicating that they'll get the majority of the growth stimulus regardless. What's intriguing, however, is that the chin-up went from working the biceps 53% more difficult to working them 60% harder.

Pull Ups Chin Ups: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Then, if we look at a research study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, we see that the chin-up uses an extra 8 ° of range of motion in the elbows when compared against the pull-up, making them even much better for bulking up our biceps.

The chin-up is a huge compound lift that trains our upper backs, biceps, and abs under a heavy load and through a large range of motion. It works our muscles and cardiovascular systems a fair bit harder than the pull-up, and it stimulates even more general muscle growth. As a result, it's frequently used as one of the main muscle-building lifts in hypertrophy training programs.

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